Providing Remote and

e-learning for the Workplace

Providing Effective Leadership Management and Development Courses for Employers and Employees in this Fast Moving Global Business Market



  Leadership & Management

  • Situational Leadership - Selecting your style
  • The basics of Managing People
  • Developing Others
  • Insperational Leadership
  • Achieving Results Through Others
  • Leadership Inpact & Influence
  • Collaborating as a Leader
  • Providing Vision & Direction
  • Making decisions for Business Sustainability
  • Leading through Change
  • Teambuilding

Personal Effectiveness

  • Time Management
  • Coaching Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Being Resilient 
  • Working Remotely
  • Personal Development
  • Problem Solving
  • Emotional Intelligence

Customer Service

  • Negotiating with Customers
  • Building Rapport with Customers
  • Taking Ownership
  • Complaint Management
  • Empathy with Customers

Why Choose us?

Course material takes time to develop, prepare and deliver efficiently and effectively.

We at Gold Learning and Development understand that in today's fast growing business market that  your time is precious. That is why we have developed a wide range or affordable remote and e-learning courses that you can buy for yourself or teams.

Search our catalogue to see what courses we can offer you today.